Can Your Heart Can Continue Beating Even When Seperated From Your Body?

Electrical system and function of Heart

The heart is one of the most important organs in our body. The heart pumps blood to deliver oxygen and nutrients to different parts of the body. But the heart is also a self-sustaining electrical system that enables the heart to beat regularly.

Why heart keep beating?

The electrical system in the heart is called the “sinoatrial node”. This node is located in the right atrium of the heart. An electrical signal is generated in the node which causes the heart to contract regularly due to which the heart continues to beat regularly.

How many time was heart beating when it separated from body?

The heart continues to beat on its own for a few minutes after being taken out of the body but not for much longer, but if we keeps the heart at the right temperature, the heart can survive for 4-5 hours when it has to be kept at a cold temperature.

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