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The History Of Internet

Written by :- Suyog Wankhade  Here’s a detailed history of the internet: Early Days (1960s-1980s) – 1969: US Department of Defense’s ARPANET, the first network,

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History of Vaccination

History of vaccination -written by Mr. Suyog Wankhade 1796: English physician Edward Jenner tests a theory that people infected with cowpox are immune to smallpox.

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Geoghraphicals Wonders

Geographical Wonders: Incredible Facts About Natural Wonders and Unusual Geographic Locations Grand Canyon, USA House and scale: 446 km long, 29 km wide and the

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Brain Eating Itself

Our brain is constantly eating itself: understanding phagocytosis in brain health:It can be alarming, but your brain is constantly feeding itself. This is not a

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Human Veins

The Incredible Journey of Human Veins: A Lengthy Tale The human body is a complex structure, in which systems and structures work together to keep

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Human Brain Capacity

The amazing capacity of human brains. The human brain is one of the most complex organs. Breathing, walking, talking, laughing, thinking and feeling are all

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